The Oil of Truth

When I hang out with my girlfriends, we usually always end up infused in essential oils at one point, which I love and which always brings some new insights and inspiration. This is especially true with my friend Hanna, who always slather oils on me when we’re together, and now I’ve started on a essential oil protocol, too!

In the protocol, oils are used on the spine, because when applied and absorbed on the spinal area, the benefits of the oil affects the nervous system immediately. I’ve used essential oils everywhere else on my body, but used on the spine is a game changer and especially powerful. Frankincense is one of the oils that I focus on now, in the beginning of the protocol, and so I felt inspired to write about this special oil.


Frankincense essential oil is obtained by the the steam distillation of the resin of the Boswellia sacra tree. Like many essential oils, it has a multitude of uses, and historically, it has been used in everything from religious ceremonies to skin care and cosmetic products. It’s an antiseptic and has soothing and rejuvenating properties. When inhaled or diffused, it promotes feelings of calm, relaxation, contentment, and overall wellness. Its also said to boost creativity! Add it to your diffuser - my favorite combination is frankincense together with citrus oils like wild orange, grapefruit or red mandarine. It also blends well with floral oils like lavender and vetiver.

The more emotional or spiritual aspect to frankincense is that it’s said to help let go of negative emotions and false stories and move towards light and truth. Frankincense is known as the “Oil of Truth” and once we are able to take an honest look at ourselves and connect back to our truth, we step into living a life based from a foundation of love and authenticity instead of fear and irresponsibility.

Frankincense reveals false truths and lower vibration, your own, or ones placed on you by others, and can help release the burden of carrying these untruths, lies and deceptions as well as shield the body from negative influences. It is a powerful oil that protects while also being a gentle nurturer. Frankincense can also positively affect other oils used, by enhancing their true benefits.

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