Symptoms of low progesterone
Menstrual cramps
Hair loss
Disruptet sleep
Mood swings
Weight gain
Breast pain
Brain fog
Bad memory
Pre menstrual spotting
Low BBT readings
Short luteal phase
Prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding
Trouble finding words
PCOS and endometriosis are also accosicated with low progesterone.
Does any of these symptoms sound familiar?
All these symptoms are signs of low progesterone, meaning that if you manage to increase your progesterone- these symptoms will go away! How wonderful does that sound? Progesterone is really your hormone of well being, and a hormone you’ll want as much of as possible.
However, if you have any kind of hormonal imbalace, you are probably not making enough progesterone, and if you have low progesterone production you are going to have low thyroid production and function also (goodbye energy)
Low progesterone is an epidemic amongst the women of today, and I think most women experiences at least one of the symptoms of low progesterone, mentioned above, regularly in their life. There are many reasons for low progesterone; stress, nutrient deficiencies, gut and liver issues, lack of sleep, undereating, over exercising and trauma, some of which I’ve described in the previous progesterone posts. But how it all starts is that you figure out that you are low in progesterone in the first place (for example by looking at your symptoms) because only then, when understanding your symptoms, you are able to do something about them.
Many women fight their way through life feeling miserable, tired, moody, stressed out, anxious and fat, not understanding that all these things are just symptoms of something bigger that is going on beneath the surface of their health. Life doesn’t have to be a struggle, and you don’t have to feel like shit, because there is not something wrong with you, you just need to find balance within your health. And one way to balance and boost your health, is definitely by boosting progesterone.