Yoni Eggs

I remember reading "Pussy, A Reclamation" by Regena Thomashauer. And as I did, I became baffled. I had already dived deep into the world of hormones and hormonal balance, but I hadn't yet grasped the whole other aspect of how to find balance within our bodies - through our sacred sensuality and feminine wisdom. Regena Thomashauer teach women, all over the world, about sensuality and pleasure, and how to reclaim their radiance. Just as a pussy is the source of all human life, she claims that pussy is the source of each woman’s connection to her own life force, her voice, and her sense of internal power. When a woman turns on her pussy, she is actually turning on her life force and connecting to her divinity. 

Her words inspired me, and reading about the shift from the masculine paradigm back into the feminine, women raising, women owning their femininity and the ancient wisdom lingering inside their souls, moved something inside of me. I felt a deep sorrow for all women, including myself, that hasn't yet fully embraced the experience of self-love and self acceptance. Those women that still carry backpacks filled with self-hatred, continually telling themselves over and over and over again the reasons why they are not enough, why they are ugly, why they suck. But this has to stop. And it's possible. My view on myself has changed drastically after becoming aware of this matter. After choosing pleasure and enjoyment within my limbs. And I want others to have the same experience too. I want women to enjoy themselves and their bodies. I want you to feel beautiful, because you are. Imagine loving yourself, imagine enjoying the skin you're in, the skin you're going to live in your whole life. Imagine finding pleasure in the smallest of things. Imagine spoiling yourself with a soothing bath, a nourishing meal and putting on your nicest clothes as you look at yourself through eyes filled with love. Own your femininity, beauty and power, because the absence of the feminine is the absence of pleasure. It’s the absence of listening to your desires, dreams, feelings and your connection to love and qualities of wisdom. The feminine is the feeling part of a human, our deepest intuition, our creativity, our longing for sustainability, our sense of community and connection, understanding and compassion. 

So hormonal balance and femininity is not just about the physical, what we eat, how we exercise or what beauty products we use. It's also this whole other aspect of coming back to ourselves. It's self-love, self-care and self acceptance. It's healing. It's seeing our worth and enjoying our life and our bodies because our desires and our dreams want to be lived, and as we do, our bodies find balance, health and vitality. And a part of this journey for me, is the practice of yoni eggs. 

Yoni what?

Yoni is a Sanskrit word for the female genitalia that means “sacred space.” It fully encompasses the vulva, clitoris, labia, vagina, cervix, womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries. A yoni is a symbol of life, creativity, sensuality and love. It's where life begins, where our creative and sexual energy is birthed and holds a power which is both admired and feared. Your womb space is the seat of your soul, the source of your power, the root of life and portal into human existence, your shakti. It is the place that has always been there and the place we all come from. 

What is a Yoni Egg?

A yoni egg is a small egg-shaped crystal that you insert into your vagina to increase your pelvic floor strength. It's a tool to strengthen our vaginas, but the practice goes far beyond just “strengthening”, which is one of the benefits looking at the physical aspect of a yoni egg practice. You also have the spiritual aspect of this practice; releasing trauma and the healing powers of crystals as crystals is said to help you break blockages and balance your energies. So no matter if you want to strengthen your vagina and pelvic floor and bring awareness to how these muscles work or heal and work on your femininity and sensuality - or both, a yoni egg practice is for you. I use it both as a physical, energetic and spiritual tool, and I hope this inspires you to do the same. 

History of Yoni Eggs

It is estimated that women have been practicing with yoni eggs for over 7,000 years. In ancient traditions this powerful practice was used for enhancing sexual and spiritual rejuvenation and it was believed that sexual energy enhanced vitality and joy. Empresses and concubines of the Royal Palace of China used eggs carved out of jade to access sexual power, awaken sensuality and maintain amazing health. 

Why Use it

Yoni eggs are used for a variety of different reasons. It’s used for womb wellness, for gaining physical strength and sensual healing. We store various amounts of trauma, wisdom, knowledge and other emotional information in our yonis and this practice helps to gently release, deeply heal and to learn about yourself as you simply bring awareness and sensation to this part of your body. 

The physical aspect of a yoni egg practices is that the egg provides a weight for you to grip, and the weight of the egg allows for your vaginal muscles to contract to hold the egg in place. Women have been told to practice kegels to strengthen their vaginas, but the problem is that it’s hard to increase strength without resistance. Not only does a yoni egg provide weight for you to grip, but by adding a form of resistance to the muscles of your yoni and therefore give you an anchor to hold on to, it's easier to strengthen as this gives you something to place your awareness on. By bringing your yoni egg up and down the vagina, you can increase the strength of your whole pelvic floor. 

Yoni eggs can also activate and stimulate various pressure points inside of your vaginal walls, which can help release trauma, as well as stimulating the fascia and your connective tissue. Perhaps your fascia is pulling your uterus out of alignment, which causes a lot of tightness in your connective tissue around your womb and vagina, which further causes pain during sex or menstruation. Using yoni eggs can therefore help release areas of tightness and pressure in your body. And like yoga, as you focus your breath and your awareness on that specific area, you will start to open up and soften. 

PoTential Benefits Of using a yoni egg

- Stronger pelvic floor muscles

- Vaginal strength and tightness

- Increased vaginal sensitivity

- Postpartum healing

- Soothing and reducing PMS

- Release negative energy and stored trauma in and around the womb

- Becoming more orgasmic and experience stronger and more intense orgasms

- Better bladder control

- Stronger sexual energy

- Receiving the healing energy of the crystal

- Increased body awareness

- A deeper connection and understanding of yourself

- A deeper sense of self-love

Getting started

Choosing a crystal is wonderful because the answer of what crystal to choose is already within you. Some people choose crystals based on their intuition, and you may have already realized that the stone picks you. So choose the type that appeals to you, and trust that that's the right one. Just make sure it's a real crystal and that it's not treated with any harsh chemicals or synthetic colours. A medium sized yoni egg is a great place to start as a beginner, and when you first receive your egg, make sure to clean it with hot water and a mild, natural soap. After each use, simply rinse your egg in hot water. The most common question when it comes to yoni eggs is if it can get “stuck". I was also afraid of that before I started, but physically a yoni egg cannot get lost in your yoni. The average vagina is about 8-10 cm long and your cervix acts as a barrier between your vagina and your uterus. The farthest your egg is going is to your cervix which is just a fingers reach away if you decide it’s time for the egg to come out and it’s not working by pushing it. Same thing with a tampon, it simply won't disappear inside of you. Think of your vagina as being like a sock. If you lose a banana in a sock, it stays in the sock. However, this fear is valid and real for many women, so be patient with yourself. If you identify with this fear, use a drilled egg in which you can pull the egg out until you become comfortable with using your muscles to push the egg out instead. I bought my rose quartz yoni egg here.  

The practice

Working with a yoni egg is a profound experience and is personal to each individual woman and the practice allows you to connect to your sacred feminine energy and the potential and power you have inside of you as a woman, that you may not know existed. Yoni eggs are a personal, intimate and playful way to explore your own body. This practice gives you total permission to adventure into places you maybe haven’t seen or felt yet. You will come out of this practice with more love for your feminity and a connection to your womb as a place of wisdom and deep intuition. As you practice you can become more conscious of your body and pleasure, and through slowing down, you can begin to connect with areas of your yoni that have become deadened or numb.

If you feel shame, guilt, discomfort or other negative emotions geared towards your yoni or sexuality as a woman, just know that you’re not alone and that’s why we practice. As you practice, try to let go of your expectations, and honor your self and your yoni with the highest respect and self love. The yoni egg acts as a consistent reminder to feel and acknowledge this space in your body which may feel numb, ignored or even forgotten about. It takes time and commitment and perhaps dedication to overcome all the limiting beliefs you have surrounding such a powerful force within you, but allow yourself to actually see yourself. A yoni egg practice is full of lessons, so open yourself up to any opportunities that sensation, lack of sensation, or even discomfort provides you as a space for healing. 

As you practice, allow yourself to slow down and to feel whatever comes up. Sit or lay in silence with your eyes closed. Breathe deep as you become aware of how you feel. Maybe do some gentle movements if you feel like it. It's not about any goal, it's simply about you getting to know yourself and your body, accepting what is. Once you feel comfortable with this practice, have some fun. Do yoga, walk in nature, cook or use it with a partner. It's your journey, it's not supposed to look like anything specific. Just practice, and let the magic happen.