Natural living means different things depending on who you ask. To me, natural living is about being conscious of our environment and getting back to the basics of life and to do as little harm as possible, to ourselves, others and the planet. Natural, organic, sustainable, non-toxic, clean. When we live naturally, as close to the way nature intended, we work with the rhymes and laws of nature, rather than against them.
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Some of the key points of natural living include eating natural foods and fresh produce, using sheets, towels and clothes and other fabrics made of natural fabrics like organic cotton, silk, hemp, wool, linen and bamboo, using natural products on our body and in our home free of harmful chemicals, household items made from glass, steel and wood rather than plastic, non stick etc, spending time outdoors, recycling and making better choices for ourselves and the environment. Natural living encompasses every facet of our life and is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle.
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Interested in natural living?
The changes are not supposed to be made overnight. Throwing out everything we own and use before bying new, isn’t realistic nor sustainable, but once something is empty or broken, buy a better and more natural alternative, instead. Change your lifestyle by gradually making one positive choice at a time. Once you've gotten the hang one, add another, then another and then another.
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Personally, I started with improving my nutrition, then optimizing my health, after that I became aware of the external contributors to what makes us sick or toxic, like household, beauty and personal care products - I swapped those out for their natural based counterparts. Then I replaced unhealthy household products before starting to pay attention to the fabrics in my home - from towels to clothes. One step at a time, and I’m still walking.
Read more about conventional vs natural beauty products here, 10 ways to reduce toxins in your life here, homemade laundry softener with lavender here, homemade cleaning spray here, natural deodorant here and how safe is your tampon here.
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What does natural living mean to you?