A healthy progesterone production starts with healthy follicles.

It takes 100 days for your follicles to mature from their dormant state all the way to ovulation. At ovulation, the egg is released from the follicle, or egg ‘sac’ and the emptied follicle is what’s left. This remaining material then forms the corpus luteum, which is what makes progesterone in our body. This means that your progesterone in any given cycle is the result of the health of your corpus luteum, which is the result of the health of your ovarian follicle during all its 100 day-journey to ovulation. This again means that your period problem and lack of progesterone NOW can be a result of something that was happening to your health MONTHS ago. Boosting progesterone is therefore a long term project, so you’ll want to start today!

What can affect your follicle on it’s journey to ovulation and the creation of the corpus luteum?

  • Stress

  • Inflammation

  • Gut issues

  • Low fat diets

  • Excessive alcohol and sugar consumption

  • Undereating/eating disorder

  • Toxins

  • Chemicals and endocrine disruptors

  • PCOS

  • Nutrient deficiencies

  • Lack of sleep

  • Thyroid issues

  • Insulin problems

    Your follicle requires good health and nutrition for all those 100 days, as well as having enough nutrients for the creation of the corpus luteum. And your reward for passing the ovulation finish line and the making of corpus luteum? PROGESTERONE.


Benefits of progesterone

  • Key hormones for period health, makes your periods mild and easy

  • Reduces acne and promotes glowing skin

  • Stimulates thyroid function

  • Boosts energy

  • Prevents bloating

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • ‘Neutralizes’ stress

  • Helps with anxiety and depression

  • Calms you down and provides CHILL

    Side note: Yoga is a great way to boost progesterone, because it reduced stress, which is the main contributor to unhealthy follicles, lack of ovulation or a insufficient corpus luteum.