Greens in the morning

Like mentioned before, I love using different adaptogens to soothe my body and mind, and I also like to incorporate healthy greens into my diet. I always preferer food based, or food-grown supplements and complexes, which is basically food, just made into pills or powders. Greens and other types of powders gives you a broad spectrum of nutrients on a natural form, with the essential nutrients combined, which is easier for the body to recognise, absorb and use, compared to a synthetically produced supplement which is something our bodies won't necessary be able to absorb as easily. 

I've been taking different adaptogens, greens, and algae on and off for many years, but after a talk with my friend Celine about how it can help with thyroid issues, which I have, I decided to incorporate even more into my daily routine. 

Purely Greens Max

A green blend of everything from ginger, dandelion, nestle, beets, wheatgrass, herbs, kale and much more. It's very nutrient-dense, and offers a combination of many different vitamins and minerals, everything extracted from real food. 


Known for it's unique detoxing effect, supporting the body in removing toxic waste. Chlorella is rich in amino acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, potassium, biotin, magnesium and the B vitamins. Chlorella is also said to supports a healthy immune function, helping to regulate hormones, helping with metabolism and promoting higher levels of energy.


Lecithin is a powerful superfood that is essential for proper brain function, and it is used by every single cell in your body. Lecithin contains high amount of phospholipids, fats, that supports cognitive health and brain function as phospholipids are utilized by the body to repair, strengthen and produce brain cells and also nerve cells. Choline, a component in phospholipids, is a precursor to a important neurotransmitter, called acetylcholine which is used for healthy nerve and muscle function and essential for memory and focus. 


A root vegetable grown in the mountains of Peru and Bolivia, maca has been used as food and a medicinal plant for thousounds of years. Maca hold many health benefits, one of the biggest ones being increased energy levels. Often times used in times of stress or fatigue. Maca is good for hormonal health, as it helps balance hormones and as an adaptogen, it works and supports your needs specifically, adapting their function to what's needed in your body.

I've written more about adaptogens in this posts. 


I also always add turmeric in my green shot, to boost immune function and reduce inflammation. Read more about turmeric and it's many health benefits here. 


I make it into a shot, blended with water and drink it every morning, on an empty stomach. It doesn't taste good, but you'll get used to the taste. You can find the supplements in health stores or online. I use iHerb a lot. Hope you find what suits and nourishes your body, and your specific needs.